Recently I learned that 2km is the distance above which active travel rates for children travelling to school drop. A little over one mile is just too far for many parents when negotiating their local roads. I get it; I also limit the journeys I make with my children in the cycle trailer to hyper-local trips, of around one mile. However, I would love to feel enabled to tackle longer journeys but the reality is that too many of our roads are too hostile for 8-80 cycling. Tragically, this isn’t simply my ‘perception’ of danger. […]
It’s time to vote again! Well, it will be in a couple of weeks – 3rd May to be exact. The act of voting is obviously important in itself – casting our ballot to elect the people who will represent us for the next four years on Croydon Council. But, for the next couple of weeks, there’s a pool of people who all want your vote on 3rd May. That’s a powerful position, as electors – able to tell those candidates what’s important to us, why we might/might not vote for them, and what we […]
This article was first published in the London Cyclist, the magazine of the London Cycling Campaign. The Netherlands is hard to beat as a destination for touring holidays, with many of us heading up the coast towards Amsterdam. For Croydon residents, you may wish to head further west to the modern Rhine city of Arnhem and its stunning national park, the Veluwe. Croydon Bicycle Theatre Croydon Bicycle Theatre was formed semi-accidentally. Returning to work as a teacher after maternity leave I found that I had far less time to cycle and certainly no opportunities to go […]
Caroline Russell, London Assembly Green party representative and transport committee member, recently published her report on London’s outer London junctions. The report includes her comments and views on the proposal’s for Croydon’s Fiveways redesign and recommendations as to how our ‘Hostile Streets’ can be tamed. Michael To (@DracorumOrder) has tweeted about the panel discussion event held to mark the publication of the report and you can search for other twitter users comments using the #hostilestreets hashtag. Equally, Caroline’s blog below contains a summary of the event and the report. All well worth a read. […]
This week, I was interested to see @fietsprofessor tweet an image of Amsterdam in the 1970s; a road completely blocked by cars, all desperately trying to get across an intersection, resulting in total gridlock. The caption to it reads: ‘Go on, tell me again.. that your city is not Amsterdam’. I feel like this could be the catchphrase to my week. On Tuesday, I ended up having a lively ‘discussion’ about a headline in one of our local papers. The story was about a pilot ‘School Streets’ scheme, aiming to reduce congestion, improve road safety and encourage active travel. […]
Sometimes, being someone who rides in bike in Croydon can be a rather depressing business. Especially when I look to other boroughs (yes, I mean you Waltham Forest) where enormous and exciting changes are taking place, making community streets safer and more pleasant to walk and cycle along. However, I do try not to be a pessimist about everything all the time, so would like to take a moment to highlight some of the lovely things that are happening in Croydon. Firstly, play streets. London Play is a charity supporting local residents who wish to set up […]
Riders from Cypress Primary in South Norwood Thursday May 18th saw Croydon Bicycle Theatre debut at the Croydon Cycle Fest, held alongside the Tour Series. Croydon Bicycle Theatre was formed following the Croydon Cycling Campaign’s ‘CRO Ghost Tour’ in November and aims to create original theatrical events that will get people onto their bikes in the borough. Thursday’s event saw the group work with two Norwood Primary schools on a heritage ride, introducing the children to Tessie Reynolds (the 1893 record breaking London to Brighton cyclist) and her controversial rationals. Tessie, and LCC […]